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Unipolsai Assicurazioni communication for the Olympic Games in Rio 2016

Past event

With Federica Pellegrini and the athletes of Team Young Italy of UnipolSai, the new integrated communication campaign of UnipolSai Assicurazioni has been launched with two different creative contents that will accompany viewers for the entire countdown to the Games and every day at the Olympics in Brazil.

The Olympics in Rio 2016 are the most prestigious international appointment in sports and the most important moment of the main three-year partnership between UnipolSai Assicurazioni and CONI(the Italian National Olympic Committee) launched in January 2015.

The leading insurance company in the Italian market is in fact the main sponsor of the Italian Olympic Team at the Games in Rio, as well as being the creator and supporter of Team Young Italy of UnipolSai, the team of young athletes, representatives of excellence and distinctive values of Italian sports in the world, created and launched at the beginning of 2015.

To convey its commitment to sports, from 24 July to 22 August UnipolSai will go on air with an integrated communication campaign that fits into a global brand strategy to once againemphasize its positioning of closeness to the people and is divided into two separatecommunication phases linked to the pre-Olympic and Olympic periods.

The protagonists of the pre-Olympic communication phase will be the athletes of Team Young Italy of UnipolSai qualified for Rio 2016. In a TV commercial (in two versions of 30" and 15") produced with the agency Leo Burnett and scheduled on Mediaset and Sky platforms, we will seeFederica Pellegrini (swimming), Gregorio Paltrinieri (swimming), Carlotta Ferlito (artistic gymnastics), Alessia Trost (athletics - high jump), Fausto Desalu (athletics – sprint races) and Andrea Fondelli (water polo) in an airport. The voice of a flight assistant announcing the flight to Rio de Janeiro pronounces their names one by one. This becomes a metaphor of the "call" to the exciting Olympic challenge. With the slogan "Helping italian sport to grow can take us a long way", UnipolSai once again expresses its concrete daily closeness to all the Italian sports and satisfaction for having accompanied and supported the competitive path of these and other young Italian athletes since 2015.

The film, on air from July 24 until August 5, will also be scheduled in print and on the web.

As of August 6, with the start of the competitions, UnipolSai will enter the heart of the Olympic Games and its closeness to sport will above all mean closeness to the Italian Olympic Team, to all Italian athletes engaged in the various competitions to be held in Rio 2016.

UnipolSai will go on air with the second communication phase, the one dedicated to the Olympic period, with TV, digital and print creative content, designed together with the agency K Group, whose concept will be the message "Together with you from the first to the last race"and will be communicated in its entirety in the coming days, before the start of the Games.

In addition to advertising actions, the key factor of the UnipolSai communication during the Olympic period will be "NextToRio UnipolSai", the important video-content project, exclusively on its Youtube and Twitter social media channels, with which UnipolSai, in Rio together with CONI atCasa Italia, will tell the story of the Olympic days from an unusual perspective.