Cookie policy

Statement Concerning Cookies and Other Tracing Tools

This page describes how to manage the Website with reference to the use of Cookies and other tracking tools, as well as the related processing of the Users’ personal data.

Please view our Website Privacy Statement to learn about the Data Controller, purposes, methods and legal bases of the processing, categories of personal data involved, categories of recipients of personal data disclosures, if any, retention period, and rights of Users as data subjects.

What Are Cookies and Other Tracking Tools

Cookies are short text strings - which may include personal data (e.g. IP address, username, e-mail address) and technical information (e.g. language settings, device type) - that the sites being visited send to the User’s terminal (Personal Computer or mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone), where they are stored (e.g. in the browser’s memory) and then sent back to the same sites upon the user’s next visit. Cookies are used to perform functions, such as computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of information on sites (without the use of cookies some actions would be very complex or impossible to perform), also with reference to preferences chosen according to the User’s browsing experience. While browsing a Website, the User may also receive Cookies on his/her terminal that are managed and sent by various websites or web servers (referred to as “third parties”), in which some elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) found on the Website that the same is visiting may reside.

There are also other tracking tools (e.g. the so-called “Fingerprinting”, “Pixel Tags”, “Plug-ins”) which, while using a different technology, enable the performance of processing operations that are similar to those carried out using Cookies and reach the same results. These tools, unlike Cookies, do not store information in the User’s device and are not directly removable by the User through the browser settings; therefore, to enforce their right to withdraw authorisation to use them, Users will need to perform functions made available on the Website by the Data Controller to review their choices.

Possible classifications of the other tracking tools

In general, these tools may be classified according to:

Type of tool

  • Cookies (active identifiers)
  • Other tracking tools (passive identifiers)


  • First party (or “Publisher”, i.e. the manager of the Website that the User is visiting)
  • Third party (operator of a different website that installs cookies through the First-Party website)


  • Session (temporary, they are deleted when the browser is closed or, in certain cases, when the logout command is executed)
  • Permanent (they will remain active until their expiration date or their deletion by the User)

Purposes pursued

  • Technical purposes (relating to the operation of the Website)
  • Non-technical purposes (such as the User browsing profile)

Cookies used on our Website

Technical cookies

Technical Cookies ensure ease of use of the Website and a more simple retrieval of information, streamlining the connection and transmission of data between the User and the Website. We use technical navigation cookies on our website, which are strictly necessary as they ensure normal navigation and the correct operation of the Website (e.g. to distribute data traffic entering the website to the various servers in order to optimise response times) allowing Users to use the services offered.

Without the use of these Cookies some Website services may not be accessible, displayed correctly or may function in a non-optimal manner.

We also use functionality, preference and localisation cookies, which allow Users to change the behaviour and appearance of the Website (e.g. preferred language, text or character size, geographical area in which the User is located), the lack of which will not affect Website navigation, but will make it less efficient and functional. Session and persistent cookies belong to the category of Technical Cookies.

The User’s prior consent is not required for the installation of Technical Cookies. We also inform you that you may, at any time, block cookies through the browser settings; however, if you set your device to reject these cookies, some Website services may not be displayed correctly or may work in a non-optimal way. In particular, operations that make it possible to identify Users and keep their identification during a session may become more complex and less secure in the absence of Technical Cookies.

Profiling Cookies

Profiling Cookies are tools used to trace certain, specific, and recurring behaviour or activities during the use of Website functions, in order to associate the different profiles with similar groupings, to optimise and personalise the services offered and/or send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the User when browsing. This category includes all additional Cookies and other tracking identifiers that do not have a technical function.

These are persistent Cookies, as they will remain active until their expiration date or deletion by the User.
We also inform you that the use of these Cookies is only possible with your prior consent; your preference is tracked using a specific Technical Cookie.

Cookie Analytics

We use COOKIE ANALYTICS – i.e. Cookies that are installed, among the possible uses, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a service, measure traffic (count the number of visitors possibly broken down by geographical area or based on other characteristics) on the Website or its most visited areas (for statistical purposes), so as to improve its contents or facilitate its use by the User, carry out anonymous “cross-device” analyses in order to offer Users a consistent experience on the different devices used, carry out analyses to facilitate the Users’ browsing of the Website, including from a user experience perspective. The aggregation of User behaviour (referring to actions such as the mouse “click”, page “scroll” and other interactions) on our Website pages regarding the browsing sessions and browser used should also be mentioned among the additional purposes pursued with the use of analytical cookies in order to promptly identify any usability or technical problems in the context of improving the correctness and quality of the service offered.

Considering that the use of these cookies does not lead to the direct identification of the data subject (given that the information collected by these cookies is used in aggregate form and therefore anonymously), they may be compared to Technical Cookies and therefore do not require the prior acquisition of consent.

We also inform you that these cookies are managed by third parties and that they are persistent cookies, as they will remain active until their expiration date or deletion by the User.

Transfer of personal data to Countries not belonging to the European Union

Some Third Parties that provide services through the Cookies used on our Website, which have been previously authorised, or other third parties involved by the above Third Parties in the provision of the above services, may possibly receive and process your personal data in Third Countries (countries not belonging to the European Union or to the European Economic Area). If so required due to the processing purpose being pursued, your personal data may be transferred to third countries under the provisions of applicable legislation in force on the subject and in the presence of a suitable guarantee measure (e.g., among others, under an adequacy decision adopted by the European Commission, or after the conclusion of the so-called “Standard Contractual Clauses” between the data importer and data exporter). We also inform you that personal data collected through the use of cookies will not be disclosed.

Legal basis of data processing

The legal basis for the processing of data collected on our Website through the use of Cookies without a technical function consists exclusively of the consent expressed by the data subject. In case of the use of Cookies with a technical function, the legal basis may be traced back to the Company's legitimate interest.

Recipients of communications

The information stored in the Cookies is used by our Company exclusively Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.

List of cookies used by our website

TypePurposeOriginNameDurationPrivacy statement and consent of Third Parties
TechnicalUsed for distributing site traffic to various servers to optimise response times.First partyBIGipServer#Session 
TechnicalUsed for ensuring website security and fraud detection.First partyTS#Session 
TechnicalAssociated with the Drupal content management system. Drupal uses this cookie to specify whether the visitors' browser is JavaScript enabled or otherwise.First partyhas_jsSession 
TechnicalUsed for keeping the same size of the chosen font.First partycurrfontsize7 days 
TechnicalThis cookie is used for keeping track of the current session.First partyMY_COOKIESession 
AnalyticsThe _ga cookie is a cookie that allows you to number visits to the site and therefore know how effective the site is.Third party_ga2 yearsGoogle Marketing Platform

Google Policies
AnalyticsThe _gat cookie is a cookie used for limiting requests.Third party_gat1 minuteGoogle Marketing Platform

Google Policies
AnalyticsThe _gid cookie is a cookie used for identifying the session.Third party_gid24 hoursGoogle Marketing Platform

Google Policies
TechnicalThis cookie is used by Akamai to optimise site security by distinguishing between humans and bots. This cookie is set when the customer uses Akamai as their CDN.First partyak_bmsc1 minute 
TechnicalThis cookie is necessary for Akamai's cache function. The Website uses a cache to optimise the response time between the visitor and the Website. The cache is usually stored in the visitor's browser. Users' bandwidth results are stored in this cookie to ensure that the bandwidth test is not constantly repeated for the same user for Akamai's caching functionality. This cookie is set when the customer uses Akamai as their CDN.First partybm_sv1 minute 
TechnicalThis is a session cookie set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track Web sessions and route traffic to the correct servers. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session.First partyORA_FND_SESSION__F  
TechnicalThis is a session cookie set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track Web sessions and route traffic to the correct servers. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session.First partyORA_FND_SESSION__GSI_F  
TechnicalThis is a session cookie set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track Web sessions and route traffic to the correct servers. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session.First partyORA_FUSION_PREFS  
TechnicalThis is a session cookie set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track Web sessions and route traffic to the correct servers. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session.First partyJSESSIONID  
TechnicalThis is a session cookie set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track Web sessions and route traffic to the correct servers. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session.First partyOAMAuthnHintCookie  
TechnicalThis cookie is set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track access to career site resources. This cookie is secure and http only.First partyOAM_REQ_0  
TechnicalThis cookie is set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track access to career site resources. This cookie is secure and http only.First partyOAM_REQ_COUNT  
TechnicalThis cookie is set by Oracle Cloud or middleware to track access to career site resources. This cookie is secure and http only.First partyOAM_REQ_1  
TechnicalThis cookie indicates the execution context for http calls between the job opportunities site and the main product.First partyContesto ECID  
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for user tracking purposes. It indicates whether the user has accepted non-essential cookies.Third party


1 week 
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for user tracking purposes. It contains the user ID.Third partyORA_CX_USERID - GUID3 months 
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for user tracking purposes. It contains the candidate number.Third partyORA_CANDIDATE_NUMBER  
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used to store the candidate's language preference. The next time the candidate visits the careers site, it will load in the user's preferred language.Third partyORA_CX_SITE_LANG  
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for the Keep Me Logged In function. It is used to recognise the candidate's device to allow automatic verification of the candidate when the Keep Me Logged In function has been previously selected on the same device. This cookie is not linked to cookie consent.Third partyORA_CX_DEVICEID  
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for user tracking purposes.Third partyORA_FPC13 months 
Profiling CookiesThis cookie is used for user tracking purposes.Third partyORA_EVENT  
Profiling CookiesIt stores the token required for session persistence in the partner's authentication flow.Third partyverificationToken  


Cookies and browser settings

In this section you will find information to disable cookies on your browser. We remind you that by disabling cookies some parts of the Website may not work properly. If your browser is not in the list below, please view your browser instructions regarding Cookie management.

Internet Explorer version 6 or higher

  • Select “Tools” in your browser bar
  • Select “Internet Options”
  • Select the “Privacy” tab and then click on “Advanced”
  • Select “Replace automatic cookie management”
  • Disable “Cookies of the Websites displayed” by selecting “Block”
  • Disable “Third-party cookies” by selecting “Block”
  • Disable “Session cookies” by deselecting “Always accept session cookies”
  • Click on “OK”

Firefox version 9 or higher

  • Select “Tools” in your browser bar
  • Select “Options”
  • Select the “Privacy” tab
  • In the “History” area, choose the option “use custom settings” from the drop-down menu
  • Disable cookies by deselecting “Accept cookies from sites”
  • Click on “OK”

Google Chrome version 24 or higher

  •  Select “Chrome Menu” in your browser bar
  • Select “Settings”
  • Select “Show advanced settings”
  • In the “Privacy” tab, click on “Content settings”
  • Disable all cookies by selecting “Prevent sites from setting any data” “Block third-party cookies and site data”
  • Click on “OK”