Musica Insieme Foundation

Ragionar d’Amore – Alle radici della lingua italiana

The Unipol Group and Fondazione Musica Insieme: four evenings with poetry at the Unipol Auditorium 

The Unipol Group and Fondazione Musica Insieme, united for years by a shared commitment and desire to organise initiatives of important cultural value, have renewed their collaboration in 2019 for “Ragionar d’Amore – Alle radici della lingua italiana” (“Speaking of love – The roots of the Italian language”): a programme that features the reading of verses and novellas in which the great poets Guido Cavalcanti, Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio celebrated all aspects of love: its devastating strength in the rhymes of Dolce Stil Novo, its saving power sung in Dante’s Vita Nova, its spiritual elevation in Canzoniere, and its thousand faces, at times solemn, at times ironic, narrated in The Decameron. The beloved women of the four authors, Primavera, Beatrice, Laura and Fiammetta, will return to life through the vivid imagery of intense feelings that even the centuries have not dulled.

Luigi Lo Cascio, critically acclaimed Italian actor with a wide public following, will read the poems by Cavalcanti and Dante, while Laura Morante, one of the most sought-after actors in Italy, will interpret Petrarca and Boccaccio. The verses will be echoed by music closely linked to the authors and epochs in program, given new light thanks to the experience of the specialised groups Cantilena Antiqua, Ensemble Consonantia, Consorteria delle Tenebre and La Pifarescha.

One evening will be dedicated to each poet at the Unipol Auditorium, with free admission subject to availability and commencement at 8.30 pm: on 29 October the program will open with Cavalcanti (Cantilena Antiqua), continuing with Dante on 5 November (Ensemble Consonantia), Petrarch on 12 November (Consorteria delle Tenebre), and closing on 19 November with Boccaccio (La Pifarescha).

Old editions

28/11/2018 - 12/12/20181914-1918: The Great War
18/10/2016 - 24/11/2016Giacomo Leopardi: Canti
09/10/2014 - 28/11/2014Baudelaire: Fleurs du Mal